Devotional Day 2: Generosity and Kids (#fhbloggers)

Devotional Day 2: Generosity and Kids (#fhbloggers)

Devotional Day 2: Generosity and Kids (#fhbloggers)

Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, 2 and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. – Luke 21:1-2 (ESV)

It isn’t hard to see that times are rough for a lot of people. The economy, at least for many, offers unprecedented challenges. It seems that money is spent before paychecks arrive. It’s during times like this that we recognize that Second Century author, Terence, was inspired by God when writing, “Charity begins at home.” However, sometimes giving isn’t based on charity at all. It’s based on faith in the relationship that God has with us.

As well as the widow who cast her two mites in Luke 21:14, there are several other widows who show the importance of the combination of faith and charity, such as the one who shared her last cake with Elijah or the widow of Zarephath and her bottomless cruse of oil. How intriguing it is that sometimes those who have the least to share are the ones who are the most generous.

Today, we need not be as much concerned with how much we have to share, but how willing we are to share what we have. Every penny given to help feed a mouth, every prayer uttered to help feed a soul, every action to right a wrong – this not only shows that we have generous hearts, but that we are strong in faith as well!

As you seek to discover and fulfill the cause that God has put in your heart, know that all of your life experiences – and all of the people with whom you have had any kind of relationship – will come together to prepare you for what God has planned for you. Your job is to be willing to allow Him to mold you and work through you.

Adapted from the Discover & Respond 40 Day Devotional ( Photo by Jennica Reis, used with permission.

My kids teach me the best lessons in generosity. As a big family, our girls have learned that the toys, books, and clothes they have will be shared by siblings, so they hold things very lightly. When it comes time to declutter their room, they willingly part with possessions knowing they will be donated to kids in need. Our kids know we will provide what they need, so they’re willing to part with stuff.

I want to develop a generous heart like my kids. An understanding that my Father provides the things I need, an understanding that I should hold onto things lightly, and a willingness to donate to others in need.

The Sea of Galilee is teeming with life. It’s full of countless species of fish and plants. It feeds the Jordan River that flows south and empties into the Dead Sea. The salt content of the Dead Sea is very high and marine life is nonexistent. Many springs feed the Sea of Galilee and it shares into the Jordan River, the Dead Sea has no outlet. It hoards what it receives and provides no life.

I pray that you invest your time and resources into a ministry you support. I’m excited to visit Guatemala and see how my child sponsorship support is impacting a child and a community.

What are three things you can do to demonstrate generosity today?

Will you join us?

You can join us by following #fhbloggers on Twitter and Facebook. The best way to join us and show generosity to a child is through child sponsorship. Your monthly support impacts the life of a child and the community to help mend broken relationships and solve poverty and hunger at its core. We have a surprise for those who sponsor a child in Guatemala over the next 30 days – just forward your receipt email with your sponsored child on it to Lindsey Nobles and we’ll send you a special gift.

By | 2013-07-09T12:31:04-05:00 July 10th, 2013|Non-Profits|Comments Off on Devotional Day 2: Generosity and Kids (#fhbloggers)