Devotional Day 17: Answer God’s Call (#fhbloggers)

Devotional Day 17: Answer God’s Call (#fhbloggers)

Devotional Day 17: Answer God’s Call (#fhbloggers)

And David said, “What have I done now? Was it not but a word?” – 1 Samuel 17:29 (ESV)

Even four thousand years ago, little brothers proved to be irritating. That is exactly what Eliab, David’s oldest brother, would have told you. There Eliab was in the midst of the army of Israel, facing the ridicule of the Philistine champion, Goliath, and up came David asking questions and making a nuisance of himself. Even though David was doing the will of their father, Jesse, Eliab accused him of having a wicked heart and abandoning his post to see the battle. Exasperated, David couldn’t understand what he had done wrong. With the naiveté of youth, he got to the heart of the matter and asked, “Is there not a cause?”

Like David, when you encounter insurmountable odds, you need to focus on the heart of the matter and recognize God’s calling for you. He wants you to do your part, not out of guilt or condemnation, but out of excitement to do what God asks of you. Just do the next right thing. Don’t be deterred by the opinions of others. Simply be true to your calling to be part of the fulfillment of every cause of which God chooses to allow you to be a part.

Adapted from the Discover & Respond 40 Day Devotional ( Photo by Jennica Reis, used with permission.

Just like David, God places His call on our lives. Not only does He call us to service, He also calls us to repentance. He calls us to love Him and love others.

We are each called to different things in life: pastors, teachers, firemen, doctors, banker, husband, wife, mother — there are different calls for different people. God doesn’t promise us the call on our life will be easy, we will struggle at times.

One of the big lessons from the Bible is that God calls on ordinary people. He doesn’t only call the rich, the professionals, royalty – He calls people from every walk of life. He may be calling you right now – are you listening?

Will you join us?

You can join us on our trip to Guatemala by following #fhbloggers on Twitter and Facebook. The best way to join us in our work is to sponsor a child. Your monthly support helps the life of the child and that child’s community by mending broken relationships and finding solutions to end poverty. We have a surprise for those who sponsor a child in Guatemala over the next 30 days – just forward your receipt email with your sponsored child on it to Lindsey Nobles, and we’ll send you a special gift.

By | 2013-07-25T21:59:22-05:00 July 25th, 2013|Non-Profits|Comments Off on Devotional Day 17: Answer God’s Call (#fhbloggers)